FY706 發表於 2012-9-18 22:36



tatchai 發表於 2012-9-18 22:51

請問各位C兄,p記ST5O點樣調教,可以令畫汁改善?進階設定裏面(白平衡,色彩處理,伽傌)以上3項應該點調?請教吓 ...
FY706 發表於 2012-9-18 22:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif


nightwalker 發表於 2012-9-18 23:06

有隻叫 AVS HD 709 的可以下載黎玩下. 不過唔使錢可能無咁專業.

breadvan 發表於 2012-9-19 08:52


本帖最後由 breadvan 於 2012-9-19 17:17 編輯

HD 709 is perfectly fine and made by people who know their stuff, even professional calibrators have no problem recommending it to home enthusiast, although with the disc you still need a color meter to use with majority of the patterns.

As a suggestion to the first poster, it depends on how much you want to invest and how much time you want to spend.Some people are very happy just copy others setting and be done with it.

As a start, suggest learning the basic of display calibration, download a free pattern disc and get a meter, all this will cost you no more and in most circumstances less than a fancy HDMI cable in candy wrapping.

Enjoy your new TV. :)

- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

rklpoon 發表於 2012-9-19 10:31

回復 4# breadvan

    which entry grade meter/software/freeware to start with and how much? thx.

Frisby75 發表於 2012-9-19 11:03

回復 1# FY706

可參考以下 {:6_142:}


breadvan 發表於 2012-9-19 11:04

本帖最後由 breadvan 於 2012-9-19 17:17 編輯

回復 5# rklpoon


Free: HCFR.

Although you will need to find out yourself hardware drivers and support for newer colorimeter to work with this software, free sometimes doesn't exactly mean free, unless your time is of no consequences to you and you can spend all the time it takes to research information.Also this software has not been seriously updated for a long time but in general you can dive into user forum to ask questions, I have used this before and it’s a very good start to get calibration going, although the steps and setting is a bit awkward in the beginning for me.

Paid:        CALMAN / Chromapure / Spyder4TV HD       

You can check prices on their website.Spyder4TV HD should be the easiest to use but when I used the first version of SpyderTV, it was so simple and in fact rudimentary that you will be better off using HCFR with a meter since all it did was grayscale and color temperature if I remember correctly.The other 2 software should provide more in-depth calibration but at a cost of money and also learning curve.I have used Chromapure since their 1.x version and it is very easy to follow, if you are familiar with calibration basics.


In general easily accessible meters are basically between Spyder4 and Xrite i1Display Pro.

Spyder4 in general is more affordable and you can buy it with a package like Spyder4TV HD, whether it is as accurate as Xrite that is debatable but I would believe it is much better than our eyes since personal preference would no longer come into play.To be honest I was shocked when I read the story of a local enthusiast paid thousands of dollars to have his display calibrated to the “c fu” preference by eyeballing!

Xrite i1Display Pro is called many different names, some are specially configured to work with specific packages, and the package you buy from places like Amazon WILL NOT work with packages like CALMAN and Chromapure, so be careful and do your research before you buy.

There are more meters out there but usually more expensive and sometimes many times more but these 2 meters will give a very good start from home users like us.

Hope this gives you some idea.

rklpoon 發表於 2012-9-19 13:19

回復 7# breadvan

    Thank you, very detailed/useful info.

chhanthony 發表於 2012-9-19 16:55


To be honest I was shocked when I read the story of a local enthusiast paid thousands of dollars to have his display calibrated to the “c fu” preference by eyeballing!
breadvan 發表於 2012-9-19 11:04 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

easy money {:1_262:}

breadvan 發表於 2012-9-19 17:14

easy money
chhanthony 發表於 2012-9-19 16:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

No kidding ching, and the story was proudly reported too.Oh well, this is a free world.
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