去郵局攞囉{:1_352:} 回復 211# SonSon
叫amazon送郵局?可以架咩? 回復 212# 公仔
P.S. 其實你只要當平時係香港郵局點樣處理郵件一樣,冇分別的,
如何在 德國 amazon 買 BD?
First, sorry to post so many Q recently.......and thanks everybody answering my Q!!!Now, i decided to buy the German version of Sleeping Beauty ( 2011)
Is there any 德國 amazon 購bluray 指南 {:1_253:}
Thanks everyone again!!!!! We're sorry. This item can't be shipped to your selected destination. You may either change the shipping address or delete the item from your order. 以跟住教學做{:1_255:} http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=131463&extra=page%3D1
有時間出個post黎問, 不如睇下呢個討論區有咩幫到你先la. 回復 215# kk6309
買乜??有冇link??? 回復 214# laaa
laaa兄, 日後可以善用搜尋功能, 因為你所問既問題十之八九舊文已可解答你疑問{:1_254:} 唔知各位師兄係美遜訂野既時候,Carrier係 IPARCEL 呢 ?
我中過兩次 IPARCEL 送,有一次已經搞到要 Refund,因為冇送到黎
而且IPARCEL又Track唔到件貨,我而家都唔知點好 {:6_194:}
其他地區既 Amazon 咁耐都未試過出問題 回復 219# B-BONE
咁amazon cs點講??