mac1 發表於 2012-9-18 20:41

回復 10# edm230

    For my system, I have apple airport express and Apple TV. For Apple TV, there is one optical digital output. Providing that the Apple TV is connected within the same wifi network. The optical digital output is connected to the DAC's Optical (toslink) digital input, and select the Optical digital input on the DAC. The DAC should also be connected to the audio system. Then the user can use the Apple TV's remote to play the music that are shared with the same network's (Home Sharing). Also, make sure the iTunes on the computer has to be opened. For more details, Apple website should have step by step set up. It is not hard at all to follow.

For Apple airport express, the user has to program it to share the iTunes music first. Again follow the setup procedures on Apple website.(or airport utilities). Once it is set up properly, Connect the Optical digital output on the Apple airport express to the DAC. To control the playback, just launch Itunes on the computer and click to choose Sharing (Apple TV/?? forgot what that call..hehe), That's about it!

Again, Check the detailed procedures on Apple website. Or if possible (still not sure what to do, make the appointment at IFC apple store, they should be able to assist!

Actually, It is not hard at all. Just try first....

Hope this helps....

giseegoobi 發表於 2012-9-20 10:21

mac1兄, 樓主有嘢問, 我唔識答呀@_@
edm230 發表於 2012-9-18 20:02

小弟買了.....買左有MINI OPTICAL 的線謝謝

nicknick 發表於 2012-9-20 11:37

小弟買了.....買左有MINI OPTICAL 的線謝謝
giseegoobi 發表於 2012-9-20 10:21

多次強調,玩hifi最好唔好用apple的air play相關D野,因會強制改變訊號為48KHz,扭曲了原本好好的音樂檔,

giseegoobi 發表於 2012-9-21 11:44


    For my system, I have apple airport express and Apple TV. For Apple TV, there is ...
mac1 發表於 2012-9-18 20:41


giseegoobi 發表於 2012-9-21 11:47

多次強調,玩hifi最好唔好用apple的air play相關D野,因會強制改變訊號為48KHz,扭曲了原本好好的音樂檔 ...
nicknick 發表於 2012-9-20 11:37

都係諗住PLAY下電腦D WAV

mac1 發表於 2012-9-21 16:46

回復 15# giseegoobi

    BTW, the Design purpose of Airplay is to let the users to share music within a house/home easily without worrying to connect the cables. Just enjoy listening to music whenever and wherever the users want (again within the same wifi network). But of course, the quality of the sound may not be top rated.{:6_177:}

Drunnktroop 發表於 2012-9-22 18:51

我用緊0404USB+FB2K & ASIO+廿蚊膠光纖出俾佢就算

giseegoobi 發表於 2012-9-22 22:40

我用緊0404USB+FB2K & ASIO+廿蚊膠光纖出俾佢就算
出得聲就得,反正我只當係佢送既附帶功能姐 ...
Drunnktroop 發表於 2012-9-22 18:51

頁: 1 [2]
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