發表於 2012-9-15 17:52
本帖最後由 t1174 於 2012-9-15 17:59 編輯
It's quite strange why the price between 2 different headphones are different, a ...
mac1 發表於 2012-9-15 17:49 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
因為HD800 用那對頭好貴, 又難處理吧
發表於 2012-9-15 17:54
As I remember I saw DXX has the Apollo headphone cables in Wanchai store. The cable is inside the Apollo wooden box. Just can't imagine how much it would be if that is Apollo 2012 grade.
發表於 2012-9-15 17:58
回復 31# t1174
嘩 E 個 Farmer D 時薪都很高呢...{:1_351:}