DTAN 發表於 2012-9-12 21:55

Remote Control App for Oppo 93 /95

Control your OPPO Blu-ray Player from any Android device!
This is the public beta test version of the OPPO Remote Control app for OPPO Blu-ray Disc Players. It works with the OPPO BDP-93, BDP-95 and future player models. (BDP-83, BDP-80 and DVD players are not supported.) The controlling Android phone or tablet device must be connected to the same network as the Blu-ray player. Requires that the latest firmware is installed on the Blu-ray player. To obtain the latest player firmware, please visit OPPO Digital's web site.


victor_wong 發表於 2012-9-17 00:26

用到, 但電話同 BD 機都要長用 Wi-Fi, 呢個功能係 remote 冇電就最有效啦. {:1_351:}

mixmaster 發表於 2012-9-17 10:18

韌體要更新到新版才支援 {:1_260:}
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