集成 灣仔
Hey any c Hing could tell me how the most convenient way to go there?And do you know the telephone no. of the bluray shop there?
Many Many THanks~ ( i want to confirm if they have the bluray i wanted before i go~~) 師兄你係邊度去?
集成 灣仔
地鐵兩邊差不多,電車最近,集成出面有站- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 IT SEEMS ONLY ONE SHOP HAS BLU RAY DISC TO SELL. 本帖最後由 laaa 於 2012-9-10 11:21 編輯
thanks all post 76 c hing
I go fromkwun tong
and any case hing know the phone no ? 回復 5# laaa
You from KT, why not consider MK rather than go Wanchai{:8_365:} 回復laaa
You from KT, why not consider MK rather than go Wanchai
jason1969 發表於 2012-9-10 12:57 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
because can't find the disc in mk. ...... mk 都冇, 集成唔大機會喎....
你搵乜碟呀?? into the blue , with Chinesesubtitle.have you seen it in any place ? thanks
集成 灣仔
If i not mistaken, I saw it at CD warehouxx- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用