allenyu 發表於 2012-9-8 00:57

OPPO BDP-103/BDP-105 新機預報

本帖最後由 allenyu 於 2012-9-8 00:59 編輯

2012 Cedia Expo Cave

Both the BDP-103 and BDP-105 offer an updated Qdeo processor and a front-mounted HDMI input with support for MHL which stands for Mobile High-Definition Link.The BDP-103 is on the bottom in this photo.

MHL allows for the direct connection of mobile and portable devices. MHL is the standard used by the Roku Streaming Stick product which allows for full streaming content in a form factor similar to a USB stick. Both players will support 4K x 2K output and of course support 3D. You will also notice that the buttons on the front panel have been redesigned. The button to eject the tray is now backlit! It wasn't surprising that a Roku Streaming Stick happened to appear at our table.

The BDP-105 is on the top in the next photo.The appearance of the BDP-105 is very similar to the BDP-95 with a few noticeable changes. The eject tray button is now backlit. The USB port is moved and is joined by the MHL/HDMI port. The connection on the right hand side of the player is indeed an input for a headphone because the BDP-105 now includes a headphone amplifier!

The back of the BDP-105 includes a few more surprises. The player includes coax, optical, and USB digital inputs allowing you to use the BDP-105 as a DAC. The USB DAC is synchronized by the clock circuits in the player and supports 24/192.

The balanced inputs on the back of the BDP-105 are now right-side up. This reflects a redesign of the audio board and a new power-supply with is made directly by Oppo Digital.The redesign also eliminates the need for a fan in the BDP-105.

You will also notice two USB inputs and a single output labeled “Diag.” This output offers access to the basic setup menus in case you accidentally happen to configure the player in such a way that the menus are not viewable via the HDMI interface.

We had one last surprise for the evening. The Oppo remote has some changes as well. The remote now includes dedicated buttons for Netflix and Vudu.

These machines are still prototypes and Oppo is still working on the firmware. Many more details will be coming in the future and we will be providing you reviews of both players in the future. Release dates are not established yet, so please be patient as Oppo Digital brings these two beauties to market.

I am including some more photos for your enjoyment. That's it for today. Much more to come.

New or Enhanced BDP-103/105 Shared Features:
•Latest generation QDEO which supports 4K upscaling
•2x2 HDMI. Two HDMI inputs; Two HDMI outputs.
•The Front HDMI input supports MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) which allows some of the newer smartphones to be connected direct to the player and transmits the phones screen to the television. This also allows for ROKU Stick support.
•Newest Netflix interface which supports 1080p video, multi-channel audio, subtitle and alternative language selection, and Family Interface
•Gracenote for looking up media information such as album art, artist, album, and track information for your CD, SACD, and user generated media
•Backlit Eject buttons. No more thumbing around in the dark.
•No more analog video. There is a "DIAG" port, but this is to only see the OPPO UI when there is no media playback. So for those of you who use a small monitor for media playback, you will need to upgrade to a DVI/HDMI capable display.

New BDP-105 Only Features:
•Fanless (unlike the BDP-95)
•Headphone Amplifier
•Optical, Digital Coaxial and asynchronous USB DAC
•Properly oriented XLR outputs

un5un 發表於 2012-9-8 01:51

回復 1# allenyu

    thank you for sharing


MSZ 發表於 2012-9-8 05:01

你啲料仲快過我, 我都係啱啱喺AVS睇到.

ccmchris 發表於 2012-9-8 09:11

多謝分享﹗期待中的COAXIAL, OPTICAL, USB INPUT終於有了,真好﹗

DTAN 發表於 2012-9-8 11:18

Oppo has been highly regarded as the universal player to own. The BDP-93 and BDP-95 brought 3D capability to the Oppo players. But now the company is adding more features by introducing the BDP-103 and BDP-105. Both of which the company had on hand at CEDIA 2012.

Additional Resources
• Read more Blu-ray player news from
• Explore reviews in our Blu-ray Player Review section.

The BDP-103 and BDP-105 will continue to support 3D but will also add 4K scaling, supporting a image that is 4K by 2K. The BDP-105 will also feature a headphone amp, better supply, and two HDMI outs.

Pricing will be the same as the BDP-93 and BDP-95. The BDP-103 will be available in December for approximately $499.

kungfutown5 發表於 2012-9-10 01:23

口水流呀! x 2{:6_195:}

kc275 發表於 2012-9-16 12:39

回復 1# allenyu

部105個pat pat似曾相識,好似我以前部馬仔DV9600{:6_142:}

allenyu 發表於 2012-9-16 15:27


部105個pat pat似曾相識,好似我以前部馬仔DV9600
kc275 發表於 2012-9-16 12:39


dlcw 發表於 2012-9-16 19:11

very very good product

3232 發表於 2012-9-19 11:35

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