唔係馬?佢弟今次都OK平la... 回復 21# mac1
高清影院與硬件嗰便先講緊Q700出面全新8千頭, 佢陳列7千幾 回復 22# edm230
KEF中環店搬遷優惠 ,陳列貨品由五折起發售!
我覺價錢一般暏。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 24# jason1969
KEF中環店搬遷優惠 ,陳列貨品由五折起發售!
Wow! Hope I can visit before they sold out!Looking for a bookshelf for bedroom.
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 Wow! Hope I can visit before they sold out!
Looking for a bookshelf for bedroom.
- 發送自我的 iP ...
n-tone 發表於 2012-9-10 21:12 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Please refer the last page, KEF said they only have Refence Ser. Speakers now, others ser. were sold out.
KEF中環店搬遷優惠 ,陳列貨品由五折起發售!
Please refer the last page, KEF said they only have Refence Ser. Speakers now, others ser. were sold out.
Thanks for pointing out though.
- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 25# edm230
齊睇,個 salesman 話好嘢一早賣清光{:8_375:} 回復edm230
齊睇,個 salesman 話好嘢一早賣清光
jason1969 發表於 2012-9-11 08:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
梗係, 稍為好啲都hold起曬