mantam121 發表於 2012-9-5 22:23

Play Imaginative 1/6 金屬 Iron Man MK7(12# 出貨期及金屬成份)

本帖最後由 mantam121 於 2012-9-7 16:04 編輯


Avengers Movie - Iron Man Mark VII 12" Super Alloy Die-Cast Action Figure by Play Imaginative

A fantastic new Alloy Die-Cast figure of the great Tony Stark as Iron Man from the new 2012 Avengers movie.

Standing approximately 12 inches tall and armoured with over 50 points of articulation, this is one to rival the finest 12 inch Iron Man figure.

1. Showroom gloss armour on main parts of body with matte metal features.

2. Die-cast metal helmet.

3. Double-jointed neck.

4. Die-cast metal torso.

5. Ball-jointed shoulders for full range of arm movements.

6. Magnetic shoulder pads.

7. Double-jointed elbows.

8. Ball-jointed wrists.

9. Fully-articualted hands and fingers.

10. Double-jointed body, bendable at upper torso with the ability to swivel from left to right at the waist.

11. Ball-jointed hips.

12. Double-jointed knees.

13. Ball-jointed ankles with articulated boot front.

14. Magnets embedded under foot.

15. Light-up feature (white LED) at the Arc Reactor, eyes and palms.

16. Magnet feet lock at Hall of Armour that lights up (LED).

17. Cool box packaging with magnetic clasp to flip-open and display, specially designed box sleeve.

This is Iron Man at his greatest, be quick to get in and secure your piece of Iron Man history today.

Pre-Order Now To Secure Your Piece With Free Shipping Australia-Wide!

Pre-Order Requires $100 Non-Refundable Deposit (see drop down)

ETA: September 2012

edlsang 發表於 2012-9-5 23:42


wsc 發表於 2012-9-5 23:52

Real Ironman!!!{:6_193:}

teddyng637 發表於 2012-9-6 00:58


jason1969 發表於 2012-9-6 09:23


beckham777 發表於 2012-9-6 10:05


Kukoc 發表於 2012-9-6 11:45


dragonyam 發表於 2012-9-6 22:11


jay_zzh 發表於 2012-9-6 22:53


mantam121 發表於 2012-9-7 01:07

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查看完整版本: Play Imaginative 1/6 金屬 Iron Man MK7(12# 出貨期及金屬成份)

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