stephen_brother 發表於 2012-9-4 23:20

回復 10# aj2008

Mac Book Pro+usb+musical fidelity m1 dac+rca線+focal xs book

aj2008 發表於 2012-9-4 23:31

接駁上無問題,只是口味適合與否。我未聽過MF M1, 不能comment
但有趣的是USB 和RCA cable 既選擇都可以影響整體音色!

stephen_brother 發表於 2012-9-4 23:32

回復 12# aj2008


lau2001hk 發表於 2012-9-4 23:37

Try Adam a5x + mytek digital 192 DSD DAC listen it first . Try listen .
go to DMA try very helpful

roychong 發表於 2012-9-5 00:02

本帖最後由 roychong 於 2012-9-5 00:06 編輯

而家D pop 同流行曲制作唔係好掂!{:6_199:} 我驚你用好野聽真左重頭痛!我覺得時下流行曲只合用iPod 聽蒙蒙地重好!哈哈{:6_194:}

stephen_brother 發表於 2012-9-5 00:09

回復 14# lau2001hk


stephen_brother 發表於 2012-9-5 10:19

Try Adam a5x + mytek digital 192 DSD DAC listen it first . Try listen .
go to DMA try very helpful
lau2001hk 發表於 2012-9-4 23:37[/quote

1.Mac Book Pro+usb>musical fidelity m1 dac+rca線>active speaker
2.Mac Book Pro+usb+musical fidelity m1 dac+rca線>int.amp+喇叭線>passive speaker

lau2001hk 發表於 2012-9-5 10:41

Your problem is : You have not 2 channel dac , amp and speaker.
And $10000 is not really enough .
Why dont try cd + stereo amp + speaker,
$10000 budget can buy stereo amp and speaker , marantz PM-KI Pearl Lite + Quad speaker ! Most important thing! You have opp 93 , it can coxial cable to dac later !

stephen_brother 發表於 2012-9-5 13:29

回復 18# lau2001hk

謝謝師兄,如果我買2 channel dac , amp and speaker會加budget至$15000

nippon 發表於 2012-9-5 13:55

How about Atoll, many c-hing said, it is good choice.
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