Fostex A8 dac
有冇 c hing 用過呢部做 dac ? 可否比過意见?
{:6_212:} 好靚仔{:6_178:} 回復 2# xanthony
但價錢都好靚仔 !$xxx
{:6_202:} 回復 3# Frisby75
我自己用緊Dac magic plus 弟時up上去的話都預左必定過萬(除非二手),如果唔係應該無咩大ge提昇{:6_147:} 回復 1# Frisby75
已用梗.{:6_182:} if you don't mind it has no clock inputs and balanced output, then it is quite good. FYI, the Headphone Amp section is not bad as well! 本帖最後由 Frisby75 於 2012-9-4 18:50 編輯
回復 5# mac1
佢標榜自己係 Headphone Amp (正確是 "DAC Headphone Amp"), 主要不是標榜 DAC 功能
如果主要是比 Hi Fi 用, 不是比 Headphone 用又如何呢?
C hing 有冇經驗其他 DAC 如 PS Audio Digital Link III 或 Dac Magic?点相比?
小弟主要目的是比 Squeezebox Transporter 用出 Amp. Squeezebox Transporter 個 DAC小弟感覺 OK但可能有改進空間(即係身癢)。
{:6_204:} 回復 6# Frisby75
I've never used the PS audio Link or Dac Magic... I can't compare the HP-A8 with them. For the DAC section, I like it too. It is detailed, transparent, lots of air on the top. Bass is quick and well controlled. Not a lot of Bass.. Vocal is natural and just a little bit on warm side.
整體來說是自然,淡定,不溫不火.不象美國機 這類聲...
FYI, The above experience is only based on my headphones (not Speakers).
Hope it helps. 回復 7# mac1