想升级XLR cable
現用oyaide pa 02 xlr.有小小蒙,粗声.
budget around $3000-4000
各ching請给小小意見 回復 1# lau2001hk
without your taste and what you are looking for on your system, cannot advise for you.
If in your budget, I would recommend you look into Sommer Excelsior. It is a very "no-taste" cable where give you very balance music. I believe it is an good upgrade from your exisitng one. Until one day you know what you lack in your system, then you can look for more high grade branded cables. (Khama, cardas ... more and more..) 2手區有幾條XLR放緊喎,去睇睇岩唔岩! 静,小甜,音場大小小,好怕Bass 太勁,因用mytek dac + adam a5x cardas clear light 彌吳爾保到分析力同小冷缺點? 回復 5# lau2001hk
clear light 好似加左價
如果冇記錯過左4000了 我都想入條oyaide ar 910 吾知邊道買會平D呢?{:6_141:}