ernietse 發表於 2019-10-1 21:41

達明一派: 今天應該很高興 {:8_375:}{:8_369:}

skychan 發表於 2019-10-4 15:17

ernietse 發表於 2019-10-1 21:41
達明一派: 今天應該很高興


ernietse 發表於 2019-10-6 01:38

Phantom Of The Opera: Masquerade {:8_401:}

Monsieur Andre! Monsieur Firmin!
Dear Andre, what a splendid party
The prelude to a bright new year
Quite a night, I'm impressed
Well, one does one's best
Here's to us
The toast for the city
What a pity that the Phantom can't be here
Masquerade! Paper faces on parade
Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you
Masquerade! Every face a different shade
Masquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you
Flash of mauve, splash of puce
Fool and king, ghoul and goose
Green and black, queen and priest
Trace of rouge, face of beast, faces
Take your turn, take a ride
On the merry-go-round in an inhuman race
Eye of gold, true is false
Who is who?
Curl of lip, swirl of gown
Ace of hearts, face of clown, faces
Drink it in, drink it up till you've drowned
In the light, in the sound but who can name the face?
Masquerade! Grinning yellows, spinning reds
Masquerade! Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you
Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads
Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you
Masquerade! Seething shadows breathing lies
Masquerade! You can fool any friend who ever knew you
Masquerade! Leering satyrs, peering eyes
Masquerade! Run and hide, but a face will still pursue you
What a night! What a crowd!
Makes you glad
Makes you proud
All the crème, de la crème
Watching us, watching them
All our fears are in the past
Three months of relief
Of delight, of Elysian peace
And we can breathe at last
No more notes, no more ghost
Here's a health, here's a toast
To a prosperous year
To our friends who are here
And may the splendor never fade
What a blessed release
And what a masquerade
Think of it, a secret engagement
Look, your future bride, just think of it
But, why is it secret? What have we to hide?
You promised me, no, Raoul, please don't, they'll see
Well then let them see, it's an engagement, not a crime
Christine, what are you afraid of?
Let's not argue
(Let's not argue)
Please pretend
(I can only hope)
You will understand in time
(I'll understand in time)
Masquerade! Paper faces on parade
Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you
Masquerade! Every face a different shade
Masquerade! Look around, there's another mask behind you
Masquerade! Burning glances, turning heads
Masquerade! Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you Masquerade!
Grinning yellows, spinning reds
Masquerade! Take your fill, let the spectacle astound you

skychan 發表於 2019-10-7 15:12

ernietse 發表於 2019-10-6 01:38
Phantom Of The Opera: Masquerade

Monsieur Andre! Monsieur Firmin!


skychan 發表於 2019-10-9 17:38

skychan 發表於 2019-10-7 15:12


CDROMRW 發表於 2019-10-9 19:08

本帖最後由 CDROMRW 於 2019-10-10 01:17 編輯



ernietse 發表於 2019-10-13 00:02

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2019-10-13 00:06 編輯

Phil Collins: Separate Lives{:8_397:}{:8_400:}

粗人敵卡 發表於 2019-10-13 17:09

今日聽Nick cave murder ballads

窮小子 發表於 2019-10-14 11:23

本帖最後由 窮小子 於 2019-10-14 11:55 編輯

CDROMRW 發表於 2019-10-9 19:08

{:6_142:} ~ C兄早晨 ( 咁都認得出 ) 小子對號入座哇
## kit 帶住嗰隻"牌子"係 ( 積家 ) ~ 附上 ( 積家 ) 網上圖片參考

ernietse 發表於 2019-10-16 01:05

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2019-10-16 01:08 編輯

Beyond: 爆裂都市{:8_377:}{:8_400:}{:8_371:}{:8_400:}
沉醉在這金色磪燦又一天 誰會在意身邊一切像瘋癲
但每分秒使我生厭這都市現狀 沒法相信終會拋棄這荒島

Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 面對歪曲的制度
Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 問那方是我家土

在遠地裡歌聲充滿著悲悽 誰會在意身邊的我是憂鬱
熱愛相愛真愛都快一一告段落 讓我請妳今晚跟我分開走

Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 面對歪曲的制度
Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 問那方是我家土

Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 面對歪曲的制度
Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 問那方是我家土
Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 面對歪曲的制度
Woo Ho Woo Woo Ho Woo 問那方是我家土

頁: 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 [729] 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738
查看完整版本: 師兄今日聽過啲乜野好碟呢 ^^

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