kh22 發表於 2016-3-22 23:50


ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 00:07

YMO: MEGAMIX YMO in the '90s {:8_364:} {:8_400:} {:8_377:} {:8_371:} {:8_364:}

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:38

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2016-3-24 01:35 編輯

Ray Parker Jr + Raydio: A Woman Needs Love (Just Like You Do) {:8_364:} {:8_400:} {:8_364:}

I remember this song is always playable during 80's at商業二台 蘇絲黃 + 楊振耀 "每當假日時"weekend 5:00-7:00 talkshow {:8_379:}

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:45

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2016-3-23 22:54 編輯

Commodores: Three Times A Lady{:8_364:} {:8_400:} {:8_364:}

when you were young and free, "THREE-TIMES-A-LADY" shall be an easy job, isn't it???{:8_399:}

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:47

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2016-3-23 22:57 編輯

Lionel richie: say you say me{:8_364:} {:8_400:} {:8_364:}

this Music Television Video really reminded me those good old high school era, I remember I bought this 7inch vinyl single in Shinjuku Tokyo and it was winter time and very cold{:8_395:}

dc903 發表於 2016-3-23 22:47

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:38 static/image/common/back.gif
Ray Parker Jr + Raydio: A Woman Needs Love (Just Like You Do)   

the last recording!!!

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:52

Lionel Richie: Hello{:8_364:} {:8_400:} {:8_364:}

this 80's era Music Television Video is great time, they have good story-line in it{:8_390:}

dc903 發表於 2016-3-23 22:54

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 22:47 static/image/common/back.gif
Lionel richie: say you say me ...

I heard this song from 80's era; really liked the first part but also hated the fast transition in the middle run.
Over years, this transition becomes the speciality of this song!

kh22 發表於 2016-3-23 23:16

吾知呢隻是否新藝寶唯一圖案碟? D聲都不錯

ernietse 發表於 2016-3-23 23:17

本帖最後由 ernietse 於 2016-3-23 23:53 編輯

Maxine Nightingale: Right back where we started from (1975){:8_364:} {:8_397:} {:8_364:}

仍記得最新梅艷芳 sacd 封面女郎: 愛情基本法嗎?   {:8_402:}

頁: 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 [523] 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532
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