mac1 發表於 2012-8-30 18:07

Susan Wong - Someone Like You 24/192 format from Linnrecords

I think this is not a new recording but in new download HD format.

The whole recording, mixing and mastering process was undertaken to capture the performances in there purest norm. All stages of the production were undertaken at a rate of 24bit/192khz. To ensure that the vocals were warmly recorded a vintage Neumann U67 tube microphone was used. The producer, Donald Marrow, (veteran of over 5,000 recordings) worked on the arrangements with jazz pianist & arranger Kevin Madill. Twenty musicians and vocalists were used including a vocal quintet from Seattle, The Island Choral Experience to add some backing harmonies on a few tracks.

kelvinhin 發表於 2012-8-30 18:31

Total 都係24蚊美金, 仲要係24/192, 抵啦!

bbocram 發表於 2012-8-30 18:48

I think this is not a new recording but...
mac1 發表於 2012-8-30 18:07

呢隻我買左, performance完全擊到cd版本 {:6_134:}

mac1 發表於 2012-8-30 18:49

Total 都係24蚊美金, 仲要係24/192, 抵啦!
kelvinhin 發表於 2012-8-30 18:31

我都係咁想,But just bought 4 albums from Linn Records last night. I may get this album tomorrow...{:6_182:} {:6_182:}

mac1 發表於 2012-8-30 18:52

呢隻我買左, performance完全擊到cd版本
bbocram 發表於 2012-8-30 18:48

    如果有DSD download format 就更好.

moliu 發表於 2012-8-30 20:44

除左泥隻外, Susan Wong 在新公司的所有cd都可以d/l

mac1 發表於 2012-8-30 21:53

回復 6# moliu

Thank you for the info.
But none of them is DSD format.
Other two are the 24/96...Are they also as good as "Someone Like You"?
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查看完整版本: Susan Wong - Someone Like You 24/192 format from Linnrecords

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