sniper 發表於 2012-8-29 11:04

新手求教 : EAC chinese song name

Dear Seniors,

I use Itune to rip CD & all the chinese song names can be read from outside database . But Learnt from here that EAC is best for rip CD to WAV and make trial, I found nearly all chinese songs cannot show correctly even I paid for the "GD3".

Any Seniors can provide easy method like itune to get chinese song name? Anyone know itune's meta database which can import to EAC ?

Many Thanks.

timmy81 發表於 2012-8-29 11:43


sniper 發表於 2012-8-29 14:03

回復 2# timmy81

    Yes, I have already key in & paid for GD3 . For english songs are no problem but for chinese songs , most of song names are not showing properly , some are simplified , some are incorrect names. But for Itunes info, almost 100% correct even very very old disc.

timmy81 發表於 2012-8-29 14:14

回復 3# sniper

    我又冇咁既問題喎, 通常用freedb都搵到, ching試下用呢個forum既search功能睇下,我果陣都係o係度搵返黎

sniper 發表於 2012-8-29 14:24

回復 4# timmy81

    okay, I review it & try again. Thank you.

sniper 發表於 2012-8-31 21:18

回復 4# timmy81

    I have tried freedb, but only 50%- 60% can found and some are simplified words or wrong codings for 20 CDs . About 10% cannot found. My CDs are more than 10 years, is it the problem? But I rip English CDs are 100% found .
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