環境同器材都好正{:6_193:} 間屋{:6_212:} Will 兄 76網好少見到你咁豪的師兄 HI ENDY就唔少{:6_195:} Will 兄 76網好少見到你咁豪的師兄 HI ENDY就唔少
zxu 發表於 2012-8-29 22:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Jadis兄曾說過除了自己之外,Will19兄相信是76網器材最hi-end的網友,我也相信此話準確。 {:6_193:} {:6_193:} {:6_212:} {:6_212:} {:6_212:} 回復 16# guly
無得頂,真係要比100,000,000,000個Like{:6_143:} {:6_143:} {:6_143:} 全套服務確係唔同:-D Dream Toys!!{:6_191:}{:6_191:}
新玩具: dCS Vivaldi (dedicated to Jadis 師兄)
Sour grapes:It will appear in New York this month or next. At US$110,000, how much would it be a step up from the Scarlatti system, which is the current flagship? With the equipment and environment at the audio show, the performance was less than stellar. The other room with the Esoteric P-02/D-02 system with Chario speakers outshined the dCS.
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