新買的Panasonic Plasma TH-P55VT31C問題
剛剛喺上星期買咗TH-P55VT31C,但係發現菜單上有一D選項喺搵唔到,但說明書講係有的.好似view mode,應該係有customs1 & custom2,但係我就搵唔倒,重有高級選項我係搵唔倒白平衡及gamma的,有冇ching知係乜嘢問題?謝謝! you cannot find the above function at TV mode. You can find it at AV mode such as input of hmdi 1,2,3. etc.. Sorry, I mean in AV mode HDMI1 I can't find "customs 1/customs 2" and white balance and gamma as well, and some other setting in the menu is missing as well. Don't know what's wrong with this? 回復 3# dkch263Please Press HDMI 1 , 2, 3 & 4 before you want to use custom mode 1. I confirm that you can choice THX Mode, Custom Mode 1 & 2. Hi Harwood,
I was in HDMI 1 and I can select THX mode but no customs mode 1 & 2, no white balance and gamma setting as well. Do you know what's wrong? Thanks 你要去-設定-進階(isfccc)-開左就有{:1_249:} 多謝CHING提點,宜家搵到喇{:1_249:}