劉一舟 發表於 2009-5-19 02:53

《川流歲月》A River Runs Through It : Blu-ray

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-5-19 02:55 編輯

台譯《大河戀》,羅拔烈福與畢彼特 "兩父子" 1992年首度合作的電影作品,Sony美版書仔BD將於7月28日上架,港版DVD好耐之前由嘉利發行淪為十蚊廿蚊貨品,不知現在版權誰屬!!!


﹣32-Page Book
﹣Never Before-Released Deleted Scenes
﹣All-New Featurette: Casting a Line: The Beginner's Guide to Fly Fishing Hosted by master fly fisherman Brandon Boedecker, this segment takes us step by step through the process of fly fishing.
﹣All-New Featurette: The Blackfoot Challenge: Rescuing a River The compelling true story of the destruction of Montana's Blackfoot River, and how a committed group of volunteers (assisted by Robert Redford and the film crew) helped generate enough money to restore this natural treasure.
﹣All-New Featurette: Deep Currents: Making a River Runs Through It In an in-depth exploration of the movie's creation, Redford talks about his long and challenging journey to turn Norman Maclean's evocative book into a transcendent piece of cinema.
﹣On The Blackfoot River Hi-Def Looping Screen Savers (BD exclusive)
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