billymud 發表於 2012-8-24 21:26

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2012-8-24 21:38 編輯

回復 30# ckman0302

    many many thanks for sharing the photos ! {:6_195:}

又冇燈着又冇反應,可能下塊板 relay circuitry section, 亦即係 power module stand-by 果part有問題咋喎.
checked ?

Prince168 發表於 2012-8-26 05:30

I got the same model as yours, I feel a bit warm on the top of the woofer even I switch to auto mode! what suddenly happens to your JL?
My friend's kef woofer had a similar problem(also 燒底板) as yours but he told me between the power cable & woofer ac plus was not firm enough & when he was watching move the woofer is on & off. Finally he also paid less than hk$2000 to changed the 底板 too.
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查看完整版本: JL Audio F112要送修了

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