dannyu 發表於 2012-8-13 20:53

pan記 主動式3D眼鏡

唉,小弟入手PAN記最低門檻 UT50系列,有3D,以為舊式3代3D眼鏡可用.點知唔得.

5系,一定用 ER3D4MW (已問專門店及客服的了.....)


dannyu 發表於 2012-8-13 21:05

而家找到好多人話三星4100g可以用到. 咁就正了. $1xx 仲平過pan記.

無聊小貓 發表於 2012-8-13 21:25


dannyu 發表於 2012-8-13 21:48


While Sony's 2012 3D TVs like the HX750 are still proprietary, Samsung and Panasonic are now selling 2012 glasses and TVs that comply with the standard and earn the special logo. Of most interest will be the cheaper glasses, the Samsung SSG-4100GB, which sell for $20 online. The Panasonic TY-ER3D4MU go for around $60. Both will work with any 2012 Samsung or Panasonic active 3D TV and any future TV that complies with the Full HD 3D standard.

Read more: http://shopper.cnet.com/home-entertainment-accessories/panasonic-ty-er3d4mu/4014-7855_9-35171446.html#ixzz23QxF2dl0


dannyu 發表於 2012-8-14 12:20

似係得的了. 100%{:1_344:}

Samsung and Panasonic are now selling 2012 glasses and TVs that comply with the standard and earn the special logo. Of most interest will be the cheaper glasses, the Samsung SSG-4100GB, which sell for $20 online. The Panasonic TY-ER3D4MU go for around $60. Both will work with any 2012 Samsung or Panasonic active 3D TV and any future TV that complies with the Full HD 3D standard.


dannyu 發表於 2012-8-14 12:23

官方價 {:1_345:}
港幣$ 120


truncate 發表於 2012-8-14 12:24

應該係新機先得囉, 新機用藍芽嘛

無聊小貓 發表於 2012-8-14 12:42


avmilk 發表於 2012-8-14 20:36

回復 8# 無聊小貓

    用緊, 完全對應!

dannyu 發表於 2012-8-15 14:37

回復 9# avmilk

    THX! 陣間買!
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