London 2012 Olympic Games【2012 倫敦奧運】Blu-ray Disc / DVD
本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2012-8-13 16:28 編輯英版 Street Date: 29 Oct, 2012
師兄,知唔知有冇3D版? 師兄,知唔知有冇3D版?
tangcoma 發表於 2012-8-13 14:48
沒有! 開幕閉幕定比賽片段? 本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2012-8-13 16:26 編輯
+HiN+ 發表於 2012-8-13 16:11
The London 2012 Olympic Games DVD and Blu-ray will feature over nine hours of footage.
Highlights include Danny Boyle’s hugely-celebrated opening ceremony as well as the closing ceremony from Artistic Director Kim Gavin’s entitled “A Symphony of British Music”.
In addition to the successes from Team GB, the release will feature additional key moments from the London 2012 Olympic Games. 沒有!
pbtour4il 發表於 2012-8-13 15:55
噢!唔該師兄! 上次世界杯都有3D版,呢次一定會有
London 2012 Olympic Games【2012 倫敦奧運】Blu-ray Disc / DVD
除左女皇跳傘,同Mr bean搞gag 今次開幕都吸引唔到我興趣- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 咁快有blu ray出!{:6_200:} 美版 Street Date: 18 Sep, 2012