Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-5-22 19:30

{:6_176:} {:6_176:} {:6_176:}OIC which shop...
post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-22 06:59 PM
But most of the medicine I purchase from this clinic. {:6_188:}

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-22 23:55

But most of the medicine I purchase from this clinic. {:6_188:}
Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-5-22 19:30


Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-5-22 23:59


post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-22 11:55 PM
I went there to take new medicine and return problem medicine.{:6_208:}

lukalok 發表於 2009-5-25 15:59

Universal delays INSIDE MAN Blu-ray until June 2nd due to audio-mastering glitch

Universal Studios Home Entertainment has delayed by one week the Blu-ray release of INSIDE MAN, starring Denzel Washington and Jodie Foster, initially slated for May 26, after an audio glitch was detected.

The street date for the title is now June 2, the same day Washington's OUT OF TIME will be re-released, on Blu-ray.

All of the audio and video specifications and special features remain unchanged.

The glitch reportedly involved one of the surround channels going virtually silent for the last half hour of the movie, according to

"The studio has taken immediate steps to resolve the issue," said Lea Porteneuve, SVP of communications and publicity with Universal Studios Home Entertainment.

From Home Media Daily (May 20, 2009)
-Reported by Erik Gruenwedel

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-25 16:07

呢D 公司先至叫係做野嘛, 一有問題就即係落手落腳攪掂...好!{:6_193:}

Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-5-25 17:05

I'll buy the new version again.{:6_240:}

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-25 17:50

到時至買lu {:6_183:}

victor_wong 發表於 2009-5-26 05:17

木口木面? 以前我甚至會黑口黑面, 禮上往來, 總之唔好煩我, 有貨比我, 冇貨我即去對面比你見到, 仲要面口轉晒, 擺明冇面比! {:1_264:}

Tomotoshi 發表於 2009-5-27 09:32

本帖最後由 Tomotoshi 於 2009-5-27 12:17 編輯

On the outside chance that a retailer may have failed to return the defective discs to the distributor, you can check by looking at the back cover of the package. The new pressing (UPC code 025192008252) has a red back cover instead of the black one the previous disc had.

If any brothers want to buy the Inside Man please check the UPC code before
to pay.

劉一舟 發表於 2009-5-28 22:39

本帖最後由 劉一舟 於 2009-5-28 23:16 編輯

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