itoy2008 發表於 2012-8-12 12:52

Wideband Powerline Noise Analyzer

本帖最後由 itoy2008 於 2012-8-12 13:00 編輯

MS 個測試市電內有noise而發聲既儀器邊到有得買?有冇d低玩既牌子?{:6_141:}

hklin 發表於 2012-8-12 19:46

MS 唔知有無得賣....

itoy2008 發表於 2012-8-12 23:45

回復 2# hklin

    MS 係?

mrpost76 發表於 2012-8-15 16:50

ENTECH Wideband Powerline Noise Analyzer

Like a Stetzer Meter with Sound
This device plugs into your wall outlet and lets you know how much unwanted high frequency signal (dirty electricity) is riding on the wires. Very simple to use, just plug it in and make the reading. Includes a sensitivity adjustment, in case the levels are extra-ordinarily high. Sound feature is unique: demodulated sound gives you information about both the frequencies present and the strength. Designed for 120V, 60 Hz North American outlets. No instructions, but you just plug it in an see the reading. Made by AlphaLab. Model: MCPI NSE SNF Sniffer V2.0.

ENTECH Wideband Powerline Noise Analyzer ..................... $90.00
Only 1 available... do not order more than 1

itoy2008 發表於 2012-8-15 16:57

回復 4# mrpost76

    {:6_162:} Ching, thanks a lot! Do you know if it is available in HK? Any recommended place or shop?

billymud 發表於 2012-8-15 20:39

去Tektronix 買部 Spectrum Analyser 得喇,
一物多用, 唔只check power noise 咁少!

itoy2008 發表於 2012-8-15 20:44

回復 6# billymud

    好提議,有冇HK SHOPS?

billymud 發表於 2012-8-15 20:48

回復 7# itoy2008

師兄, 條條大路都能買:
1. 直接 洽 Tektronix
2. RS Component HK Ltd
3. eBay

itoy2008 發表於 2012-8-15 20:50

{:6_143:} {:6_143:}

回復 8# billymud
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