Dynaudio C1
I would like to get some opinions from all Chings here. I'm interested in this speaker but I used to listen to floor standing speaker. A lot of Chings said even its a bookshelf, the bass can totally beat a normal low level floorstanding. Is it real? I can understanding and believe the quality of the bass is very good for c1. But it is still a bookshelf, can it beat the quantity of bass of a floor standing( I.e. 打心口)? Thanks. I'm interest too. Dose the bass of C1 better than D18? I don't think so..... 你推得对C1掂,D低頻震到天花板都烈呀!只是有D人玩拒唔掂,先話唔夠低頻。
一般五六萬的合併amp玩C1只是剛剛夠做,要完全控制得好,要用D十幾萬前後級了。 回復 3# ckw3031
用幾萬既機去可能只係出到個低頻而已 Hm.... It seems c1 can really play punch bass even with its bookshelf size and can play for a long time! Can anyone tell me how much is it for a new one with piano black color? Where to buy? Thanks a lot! Hm.... It seems c1 can really play punch bass even with its bookshelf size and can play for a long t ...
andylam67 發表於 2012-8-9 23:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
師兄好似好著重低音,要勁要打口心喎? Ha.... Yeah, cuz I mostly listen to rock music, the quality and quantity of bass is very important for the feel of rock. 可以話你知... 要推得好的話, 我對C4仲易推過C1...
可想而知C1有幾難推得好 !!!! C4 even easier than c1!!!! Can't imagine!!!! !!!! C4 even easier than c1!!!! Can't imagine!!!!
andylam67 發表於 2012-8-10 12:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
I'm also heard it b4......{:6_192:} {:6_192:}