本帖最後由 hklin 於 2012-8-7 00:57 編輯買咗對新Wireworld頭尾,未知放邊度用,換落條Kharma R-2B比Naim ND5 XS Streamer 用好唔好呢?
回復 1# hklin
師兄可以影下入面插線位黎睇下嗎? wt else do u hv apart from kharma powercord? 回復 2# ropresident
而家要去返工, 今晚影! 回復 3# linchuen
AET HIN could be a second choice, but I would like to try the plugs on my Naim ND5 XS. 回復 1# hklin
請問幾錢對? yes, i would prefer kharma as well {:6_183:} which plugs ar u using currently? waiting for ur report tonite{:6_187:} 回復 6# tomchui
定價八佰頭.... 回復 8# linchuen
My Kharma is currently using the original plugs.