alzard 發表於 2009-5-13 07:43

我咁啱就係咁樣set subwoofer架喎~
但set出黎佢話個sub仔喺幾米遠同埋set到-1x db
次次都要自己set近d同大d db
laiho 發表於 2009-5-13 00:43

其實無問題﹐因為subwoofer內的功放有delay﹐所以auto setup幫你用distance幫助

db就因為人耳對低音反應較遲鈍﹐假如你有SPL meter的話﹐你會發現同一個SPL低

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 16:52

於自動音場設定前 ... 重低音如何設定 (轉載)

本帖最後由 wil-wil 於 2009-5-15 18:42 編輯

本想在這裹發問, " AV 影音入門小知識 » 於自動音場設定前 ... 重低音如何設定 (轉載) ", 但 post 唔到, 話唔岩組別 , anyway..{:6_122:}

其實我尋晚 detect 完後都係 set 到我個 sub 仔 成 -15db and 距離去到4.8x m, 但隻sub 仔只放在前置旁, 而前置只係set 2.xx m

咁我睇完小知識入面話可以 volumn up 返隻 sub 仔.....其實我唔明係應該在 amp 內改動加番 sub 仔既 db 定應該直接在 sub 仔到開番大聲呢?   


alzard 發表於 2009-5-15 17:05

First of all, do you have SPL meter?

If the answer is yes, then turn down your subwoofer volume and turn up the LFE level in AMP.Use the SPL meter check the level is the same as the value before you make changes.

If the answer is no, turn down your subwoofer volume and rerun Audyssey.Try to make the value of LFE as +/-6dB.

You can just leave the distance as is because the amplifier inside the subwoofer cause additional delay to the signal.Audyssey added additional distance to compensate this delay.

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:12

First of all, do you have SPL meter?

If the answer is yes, then turn down your subwoofer volume and turn up the LFE level in AMP.Use the SPL meter check the level is the same as the value before yo ...
alzard 發表於 2009-5-15 17:05

無{:6_125:} .... 不過問左價{:6_138:} 入數就得
請問有 meter 是否較準呢?
自從睇完篇 room eq 後都真係要認認真真買隻黎學下 {:6_128:}

alzard 發表於 2009-5-15 17:13

無{:6_125:} .... 不過問左價{:6_138:} 入數就得
請問有 meter 是否較準呢?
自從睇完篇 room eq 後都真係要認認真真買隻黎學下 {:6_128:}
post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:12

Turn down your subwoofer's volume and rerun Audyssey then.-15dB for LFE is too low.

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:16

If the answer is no, turn down your subwoofer volume and rerun Audyssey.Try to make the value of LFE as +/-6dB.
唔好意思, 呢樣係咪 Level Calibration 果度 set 呢?

alzard 發表於 2009-5-15 17:19

If the answer is no, turn down your subwoofer volume and rerun Audyssey.Try to make the value of LFE as +/-6dB.
唔好意思, 呢樣係咪 Level Calibration 果度 set 呢?
post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:16


無sound meter就一邊扭細subwoofer volume一邊加大LFE level便可。大細聲就維持
係你auto setup完的聲量。

avmilk 發表於 2009-5-15 17:20

除左用sound meter外, 試下training下自已對耳, e.g.: dB加减幾多先為之合理呢...出pink noise時, 你feel到d聲到你鼻尖就可以, 不妨試試!

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:28

我果隻係 CHT10R, 較大細聲係要睇閃燈....{:6_136:}

咁即係話第一次做完 Audyssey 時得出 -15db 係正常?
而無 meter 時就扭細subwoofer volume再同時加大LFE level, 之後再 run Audyssey?

alzard 發表於 2009-5-15 18:35

我果隻係 CHT10R, 較大細聲係要睇閃燈....{:6_136:}

咁即係話第一次做完 Audyssey 時得出 -15db 係正常?
而無 meter 時就扭細subwoofer volume再同時加大LFE level, 之後再 run Audyssey? ...
post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-15 17:28

再run Audyssey的話校細個subwoofer volume便可。
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查看完整版本: 於自動音場設定前 ... 重低音如何設定 (轉載)

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