kkchau 發表於 2009-5-17 16:58

bo9bo99 發表於 2009-5-17 16:47 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif等睇埋歐版比較先

post76funfun 發表於 2009-5-17 17:57

laiho 發表於 2009-5-17 13:17 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

laiho 發表於 2009-5-17 20:17


lukalok 發表於 2009-5-18 00:16



haha161 發表於 2009-5-19 09:11

any ching using pioneer bd player have latest info about player this blu-ray?

haha161 發表於 2009-5-24 10:27

yesterday try to play,but no luck yet,no picture & sound only,need long time to load,
pioneer do something la,{:6_186:} {:6_199:}
but the soundeffects is very exciting

victor_wong 發表於 2009-5-25 08:04

昨晚分別用部 PS3 同 550 播呢隻 " 仕佳叻 " 版, 都完全冇問題, 唯一係如果閣下部 BD 機冇接駁到 internet 的話, Load 碟將會超慢, 從放碟到有畫面到睇到套戲為止至少三至四分鐘, PS3 已經叫快, 都要接近兩分鐘.....唔打算入日版啦, 點靚都係同一套戲, 留番 D $ 或者 6月入 港版星空 Boxset 好過啦老細. {:1_252:}

haha161 發表於 2009-5-25 13:15

email pioneer yesterday about the t2 issue,a marketing executive give me a crap answer,my 51 already using the latest firmware from hk website,obvious the person don't know what he/shes doing.......
i copy and paste the email below

Dear Mr xxxx
   Thank you for your enquiry, refer to your technical question, the firmware of HK region is different with US. please kindly check our web site as below:
               If you still have any questions on the player,I would suggest you to call our services center(In Kwai Chung) at 3583 3288, our technician will solve your
            technical problem shortly.   

            Kim Chan
            Marketing Executive
         Sales & Marketing Department
         Pioneer (HK) Limited

劉一舟 發表於 2009-5-25 14:15

email pioneer yesterday about the t2 issue,a marketing executive give me a crap answer,my 51 already using the latest firmware from hk website,obvious the person don't know what he/shes doing.......
i ...
haha161 發表於 2009-5-25 13:15 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif

算把啦,香港先鋒CS真係好恰的,有時問啲比較深入的問題佢地都唔 "來",葵涌嗰邊會醒啲,咁佢地有冇答你??

haha161 發表於 2009-5-25 14:24

just call 葵涌,technical staff said a new firmware will release soon,keep an eye on their site,
頁: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [9] 10 11 12 13 14
查看完整版本: <T2 Skynet Edition> 未來戰士續集: Blu-Ray "(實物圖)"

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