4K內DAC推介?? (夾Oppo93)
大家好, 想請教下有冇邊部DAC 係同oppo93 夾呢??小弟心儀緊部 M1.....唔知又得唔得呢???
Bufflo HDD->Oppo93->DAC (未買) -> Onkyo 607 -> Klispch RF
唔該晒各位{:8_362:} 大家好, 想請教下有冇邊部DAC 係同oppo93 夾呢??
小弟心儀緊部 M1.....唔知又得唔得呢???
Buff ...
snakexthin 發表於 2012-7-30 10:21 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
如果只聽人聲小品, 又唔會再多放錢, 只係想4k攪掂, 不如就5i10. 餘下嘅錢可以買線或放銀行.
如果聽好多唔同野, 又會慢慢想加多d錢upgrade, 咁就田雨, 再儲錢mod同買線, 唔使指意可以儲錢放銀行了... 回復 1# snakexthin
If you not satisfy on existing settings when listening songs (2 channels), try to consider to add an int. amp instead of DAC. 回復 3# liclic
1. Arcam rDAC
2. Musical Fidelity M1
{:8_402:} 大家好, 想請教下有冇邊部DAC 係同oppo93 夾呢??
小弟心儀緊部 M1.....唔知又得唔得呢???
Buff ...
snakexthin 發表於 2012-7-30 10:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢個組合,一早揀oppo95出amp咪得囉。 {:8_402:} 呢個組合,一早揀oppo95出amp咪得囉。
nicknick 發表於 2012-7-30 11:14 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
哈哈. 可能一早佢打算咁玩呢. 回復 6# kenneth_obee
93 果dac 好差? 我無 93... haha 回復kenneth_obee
93 果dac 好差? 我無 93... haha
liclic 發表於 2012-7-30 11:35 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都無. 不過95係"更"好. 已後悔當初唔95{:8_391:}
5i10<-- 邊度有!?
唔知黎緊AV show 有冇好野執~ahhahah 已後悔當初唔95
snakexthin 發表於 2012-7-30 11:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
AV show, better to find the street price first and go AV show to compare. Some are cheaper than outside and some are more expensive than outside. hehe.
Ching, why you want to add add a DAC?