想問focal xs book音質如何?
{:1_338:} {:1_338:} go to DMA and test it yourself la. trust your own ear. 我有 唔值三千蚊 好硬好實 I tested both Focal xs Book and Audioengine 5+.At the end I bought 5+.I felt the sound was more lifelike, at least for that price...hahaha 我都想買,不過個價錢都幾貴下!唔知宜家邊度有得試呢?{:6_188:} Sound feels hard and no intimacy.I recommend kef x300a 呢對我都有玩..音質如何?一個字 ...好!
3K野,名廠設計,聲稱使用了高階型號技術,有興趣可以google 下佢,同價位我想唔到對手了
但我曾經係DMA三樓聽過佢地播,好衰聲,都唔知佢地攪乜.. aj2008 發表於 2013-4-15 18:58 static/image/common/back.gif
呢對我都有玩..音質如何?一個字 ...好!
3K野,名廠設計,聲稱使用了高階型號技術,有興趣可以google 下佢 ...
706V 用5寸, 佢用4寸polyglass {:1_341:}
我都有一對, 只係經ESSENCE ST Coaxial out用耳擴 (symphony.2) 做 preamp 喂佢. 已見得下人
跟機用RCA 線 , 可以換 我聽過下,算係幾好聲,但一定唔係同價最好聲 aj2008 發表於 2013-4-15 18:58 static/image/common/back.gif
呢對我都有玩..音質如何?一個字 ...好!
3K野,名廠設計,聲稱使用了高階型號技術,有興趣可以google 下佢 ...
C Hing
你對XS book響邊度買架?