I download the mldonkey to my npaq ts212 and install sancho on my pc... I know they are conn ...
hkguy-sp 發表於 2012-8-12 18:09
You are using QNAP right?
I am not QNAP user, so I just guess...
First of all, if you just search files with full english name, no chinese or other language as file name, can it display and download properly?
If yes, then can you open it after download? If you can download but can't open, it may be due to file permission issue.
If you can't see and download even files with english filename only, then I have no idea...
If you can search, download, open files with english filename, then I guess your system is not in UTF-8. You can use "vi" to view the "mlnet.log" (inside mldonkey folder). At the beginning when the daemon starts, it tells the character set. If it is not UTF-8, then my guess is correct.
Assume if it due to charset issue, then you need to google to see what you need to install and set to make it utf-8. 回復 11# kenneth_obee
Ching, many thanks and will check tonight.