ginson 發表於 2012-10-31 12:19

I bought Brio-r some time ago, so the price is out dated, expect 6k+. Powerful or not also depend on your speakers. For my little MA GX-50 and listening area, volume button at 9 o'clock is normal and never over 12 o'clock. So still half way to go.

I have consider their DAC seriously but please note that its USB is only supporting up to 16-bit and 44.1/48k. This will limit its use on CAS. Hopping they will upgrade it soon.

momowing 發表於 2012-11-7 18:23

Hello, Ginson hing,

Which speaker cable are you using?
And what cable link between the brio r and Apollo r?

faihim 發表於 2012-11-7 20:01


KENXYZ 發表於 2012-11-7 20:27

faihim 發表於 2012-11-7 20:01 static/image/common/back.gif
cd機搖控竟然沒有數字按鈕,比著是我就不能接受了.因為我很小一隻碟聽晒的,多數揀歌播... ...


htctyo 發表於 2012-11-7 21:29

if budget is ok upgrade to mira 3 , sound is more sweet and more poweful
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