hkguy-sp 發表於 2012-7-23 20:02

Any ching can help on Diablo 3 lagging issue - Solved

本帖最後由 hkguy-sp 於 2012-8-3 09:27 編輯


I started Diablo 3 recently... I found the game is lagging quite badly.   I walk away but in 2 secs it will go back to the original place..keep happen and i cant really play properly.....what i did was going transfer back to the base and go back again.. then it seems better for a while..

any ching got similar issue or know why?

my pc config is:

cpu AMD Phenom II x4 905e 2.50 Ghz
msi GTX570 display card
Window 7 64bit ver
Lan to router with cable and using PCCW opital fibre...

Is it becoz my cpu not quick enough??


hkguy-sp 發表於 2012-8-3 09:27

回復 1# hkguy-sp

    After some advise and finding... problem solved.... it is due to the harddisk...After running the game on SSD, no more lagging issue.... quite suprised for the result...
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