Tomotoshi 發表於 2012-7-17 23:37

美國Criterion Collection出 "花樣年華" Blu-ray

美國 Criterion Collection 會在10月2號出 "花樣年華" Blu-ray

In the Mood for Love (October 2nd, 2012)
- High-definition digital restoration, approved by cinematographer Mark Lee Ping-bin
- 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack
- In the Mood for Love, director Wong Kar-wai's documentary on the making of the film
- Deleted scenes with director's commentary
- Hua yang de nian hua (2000), a short film by Wong
- Archival interview with Wong and a 'cinema lesson' given by the director at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival
- Toronto International Film Festival press conference from 2000, with stars Maggie Cheung Man-yuk and Tony Leung Chiu-wai
- Trailers and TV spots
- Two new interviews with critic Tony Rayns, one about the film and the other about the soundtrack
- A booklet featuring an essay by novelist and film critic Steve Erickson and the Liu Yi-chang story that provided thematic inspiration for the film

jack331 發表於 2012-7-18 00:25


Hon 發表於 2012-7-18 00:29


icefatgirl 發表於 2012-7-18 01:24


pbtour4il 發表於 2012-7-18 09:27

CC 版 - In the Mood for Love【花樣年華】Blu-ray Disc

Street Date: 2 Oct, 2012

SRP: $39.95

Synopsis: Hong Kong, 1962: Chow Mo-wan (Tony Leung Chiu-wai) and Su Li-zhen (Maggie Cheung Man-yuk) move into neighboring apartments on the same day. Their encounters are formal and polite—until a discovery about their spouses sparks an intimate bond between them. At once delicately mannered and visually extravagant, Wong Kar-wai’s In the Mood for Love is a masterful evocation of romantic longing and fleeting moments. With its aching musical soundtrack and its exquisitely abstract cinematography by Christopher Doyle and Mark Lee Ping-bin, this film has been a major stylistic influence on the past decade of cinema, as well as a milestone in Wong’s redoubtable career.

Disc Features
-High-definition digital restoration, approved by cinematographer Mark Lee Ping-bin, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
-@ “In the Mood for Love,” director Wong Kar-wai’s documentary on the making of the film
-Deleted scenes with director’s commentary
- Hua yang de nian hua (2000), a short film by Wong
-Archival interview with Wong and a “cinema lesson” given by the director at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival
-Toronto International Film Festival press conference from 2000, with stars Maggie Cheung Man-yuk and Tony Leung Chiu-wai
-Trailers and TV spots
-The music of In the Mood for Love, presented in an interactive essay, on the DVD edition
-Essay by film scholar Gina Marchetti illuminating the film’s unique setting on the DVD edition
-Photo gallery on the DVD edition
-Biographies of key cast and crew on the DVD edition
-Two new interviews with critic Tony Rayns, one about the film and the other about the soundtrack, on the Blu-ray edition
-A booklet featuring the Liu Yi-chang story that provided thematic inspiration for the film, an essay by film critic Li Cheuk-to, and a director’s statement (DVD edition); a booklet featuring an essay by novelist and film critic Steve Erickson and the Liu Yi-chang story that provided thematic inspiration for the film (Blu-ray edition)

magicmilk 發表於 2012-7-18 10:16


zwldjj 發表於 2012-7-18 12:01


junjun 發表於 2012-7-18 15:14

One Must Own

jack331 發表於 2012-7-18 16:13


nihilist 發表於 2012-7-18 17:22

A must for film buff!!!
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