Sony Ericsson 4.0.4?
小弟琴晚幫家父部arc升左上4.0.4, 但係發覺好lag, 而且搞唔返個手寫出黎。有冇師兄知道發生緊咩事呢??? 沒 full wipe 先升?
系統還原試下有没好啲 回復 1# ropresident
After the keypad come out;
the 'upper left corner' will has a keyboard icon;
pull down the menu;
click the 'Select input method';
if 'Chinese keyboard' is selected, choose 'Configure input methods' at the bottom.
then click the icon next to 'Chinese keyboard'.
Then you can find and set the handwriting for Chinese.
And for the lagging, wait for 2 - 3 days first, if it still happen, then try to reset it.Coz it even stay that on their site that it will happen at the beginning (happened to me too), then the ICS will work better (and the battery last longer too). 無咩事呀! {:6_142:}{:6_142:} 問題都存在........{:6_191:} 試下刷 CM9 啦 回復 6# andytang688
請咩係cm9呀 ? 小弟琴晚幫家父部arc升左上4.0.4, 但係發覺好lag, 而且搞唔返個手寫出黎。
有冇師兄知道發生緊咩事呢??? ...
ropresident 發表於 15/7/2012 15:17
我幫同事up咗4.04都冇事喎 回復 8# SonSon
平時用就唔多覺, 不過一玩game問題就好易發現, 而且用藍芽打麻雀時唔識自動更新, 搞到好似定左格咁{:6_123:} 回復andytang688
請咩係cm9呀 ?
ropresident 發表於 2012-7-24 21:31
著名第三方 rom 開發團隊