美國政府推行聯邦政府職員的網絡辦公,或稱在家辦公,有助於政府減少新增僱員、幫助僱員平衡工作與生活的關係以及在政府部門的非辦公時間,繼續延長服務時間。這項一舉多得的辦公方式因政府各職能部門的性質和人們接受程度的不同,被採納度也不同。圖為法國一名在家辦公的民眾。 可能香港不可行得通,上下班打卡誰來監督... That depends on what's your job nature. I work from home very often as well. No problem with me at all.The major problem for me was end up getting my CAS totally changed/upgraded {:6_176:}
And one of the major problem for Working from Home in HK is we don't have the big house as Western cities. Lots of us don't have the luxury to have a study room, if you need to work in your dinning room or living room, then it won't work for you. That depends on what's your job nature. I work from home very often as well. No problem with me at a ...
wally 發表於 2012-7-13 00:03 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
wally 師兄原來是中國科學院完全改變/升級的自顧人士。{:6_193:} {:6_193:} 咁都好嘅, 自由D..............{:6_193:}{:6_193:} 本帖最後由 wally 於 2012-7-13 10:42 編輯
其實係工司savings 的技兩, 在商言商,如果無著數又掂會support 呀. 如果你唔駛返office, office 就可以細d, 燈油火蠟幾貴你知無?佢就save 左, 但對你要求不變, 其實重多左,因為你在家, suppose 隨時夜一夜都找到你, 重有, 你已再冇乜病暇 concept. anyway, itds right that for the rest of time, 自由d, 同屋企人時間多d, save more travelling time. net net, 係好既, 其實係工司savings 的技兩, 在商言商,如果無著數又掂會support 呀. 如果你唔駛返office, office 就可以細d, ...
wally 發表於 2012-7-13 10:38 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
您是走在時間前面的 Super Man . 我已經是算不在家做飯的人了。都有點發胖了,向您致敬!{:6_193:} 咁又唔駛講到咁grand ;) 我只係一個被世界,家庭,兒女,拖著走的其中一員姐 {:6_125:} 其實home office 都有幾多好處