Westone 1 耳線問題
本人隻westone 1 右邊耳線接駁有問題,導致而家出唔到聲。想問下各位師兄邊度有得整番好? 但求手工好,價錢合理。
Thx!!! 有冇師兄幫到手?? well~~ if u dun have warranty
go to bosir la~~ 回復 3# terry_1109
Sorry Ching, where can I find bosir?? did u google it? 回復 5# terry_1109
I got it!! Thanks ching!! 回復 6# baandjor
no sweat bro
glad i can help 搵Bosir小心俾佢d野毒到{:6_208:} 回復 8# Namhei
希望我頂得住啦~~ i think u can get a shure plug conversion instead
so u can play with other cable
but dun get too poison by his cable wor~~
and it'll be better to arrive at the shop
less repair waiting time {:1_338:}