SEIJI.S 發表於 2012-7-3 11:27

''街頭霸王25周年紀念套裝''街霸2動畫電影版Blu Ray化

本帖最後由 SEIJI.S 於 2012-7-3 12:00 編輯

[*]Experience Past and Present Street Fighter Games: Gamers get a snapshot of Street Fighter with four critically-acclaimed games that represent important chapters in Street Fighter history.[*]Light-up Ryu Statue: Standing 8 inches tall, the highly detailed Ryu statue features the iconic character in mid- Shoryuken with flames that light up from below.[*]Blu-Ray Video Set: The exclusive Blu-Ray two-disc set includes a documentary that highlights the profound influence the franchise has had on fans - and vice versa - throughout the years.[*]Soundtrack: 11 discs worth of Street Fighter music spanning the past 25 years. Two of the discs include remixes and fan-created music inspired by past Street Fighter games.[*]Art Book: The 64-page art book pays tribute to Street Fighter fans from all over the world and includes fan pieces submitted by professional and aspiring artists alike.

Release Date: September 18, 2012
Price: 149.99 us

{:1_335:} 150蚊US..即HKD 千幾蚊可以買到又...11隻隻原聲碟.....2套動畫電影BD化.....可以起PS3玩到4隻新舊既街霸遊戲.......又有本60頁既畫集.......又有隻公仔....又有啊RYU腰帶....訂兩盒都仲係好值得!!!


命硬好人 發表於 2012-7-3 12:10

'街頭霸王25周年紀念套裝'街霸2動畫電影版Blu Ray化


- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用

Hon 發表於 2012-7-3 12:43

真係識搵錢, 算把LA.

以前睇過VCD動畫版, 甚至DVD電影版, 真係...唔拍無損失, 拍左反而搞到不倫不類, 何必呢.
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