spyder 3 elite with HCFR
剛問人借了隻spyder 3 elite 試下但d/l 了隻hcfr 又對應唔到隻spyder...{:9_412:}
好似見過有ching 提過spyder 3呢個問題 但爬文又搵唔返
想搵ching 幫手
thanks 剛問人借了隻spyder 3 elite 試下
但d/l 了隻hcfr 又對應唔到隻spyder...
好似見過有ching 提過 ...
ykkc 發表於 2012-7-2 02:36 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Spyder 用家須要先裝上Sypder的dirver後再由\Program Files\Colorvision\Spyder\內複制“CVSpyder.dll”(名稱未必相同)到\Program Files\ColorHCFR\。 Spyder 用家須要先裝上Sypder的dirver後再由\Program Files\Colorvision\Spyder\內複制“CVSpyder.dll ...
chhanthony 發表於 2012-7-2 09:59 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
thanks 但係我睇過ching 你個精華post
但就係唔見有呢個file{:9_418:} 搞左成日 hcfr 都係應唔到個spyder.....
有冇ching 可以教下小弟 thanks 回復 4# ykkc
第一位師兄已經很清楚說明了,試多次。或在其他綱上尋找吧!{:1_345:} 搞左成日 hcfr 都係應唔到個spyder.....
有冇ching 可以教下小弟 thanks
ykkc 發表於 2012-7-2 16:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
If you're using Windows 7, try this:
由 \Program Files (x86)\Spyder3TV\ 內複制“Spyder3.dll” 到 \Program Files (x86)\ColorHCFR\ http://www.post76.com/discuss/viewthread.php?tid=111035買尼隻平D比你{:9_430:} If you're using Windows 7, try this:
由 \Program Files (x86)\Spyder3TV\ 內複制“Spyder3.dll” 到...
dominickwok 發表於 2012-7-4 00:44 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Thanks Ching
最後都要dl返所有有關driver嘰 舊version先得
但數字上又算理想喎 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2012-7-4 19:50 編輯
Thanks Ching
最後都要dl返所有有關driver嘰 舊version先得
ykkc 發表於 2012-7-4 15:31 http://m.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
有無相睇下 Tune完好似比較偏黃/綠咁嘰
ykkc 發表於 2012-7-4 15:31 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Reason #1 - It may be because you're too used to look at images with higher color temperature (i.e. a common default setting for almost all of the TVs).Human brain is very adaptive to bluer white - if a patch of white with D75 color temp. is displayed side-by-side with a patch of white with D65 color temp., human brain will tell you the D75 patch is "white", and the D65 patch (with more red and green than the D75 white) will appear as a bit yellowish/reddish.Don't believe me?Try it by yourself.
Reason #2 - You're using Spyder3, which is a kind of color measurement device ("colorimeter") in which its sensors will drift over time - usually being less and less sensitive to red color.So when the graph tells you the gray pattern is at "D65", but actually the Spyder3 is measuring Red too low, so it makes you adding too much Red to the display, therefore making the gray patterns look reddish (or yellowish, if it measures Green too low as well).A solution to this is to use a more expensive spectrometer (such as Xrite eye-one pro, or "i1Pro"), which is much more resistant to drifting problem.I put two CIE diagrams below for your information.Both were measured under the same condition, right after I did a full calibration of my AE4000 projector using my i1Pro.The upper one is measured by my i1Pro (I don't know exactly its age because it's second hand); and then the lower one is measured by my 2-years old Spyder3.Now you see the difference, right?