Synology DS212j + musiland MD10
I am CAS beginner and I am using Synology DS212j + musiland MD10 .Any C-ching can advise me what audio format shall I use to rip the cd? and what software shall I use??Itunes or EAC??Thanks so much!! 回復 1# mnmxxxxSoftware : EAC
Format : FLAC 回復 2# Jacques
thanks for your reply!I tried FLAC, but EAC creates another WAV together with the FLAC file, is that normal.And, does FLAC supports album photo and tag??thanks 回復 3# mnmxxxx
FYI {:1_259:} 回復 4# Jacques
Thank you I can play music with nas ~ notebook+USB+md30+av am
but I cannot play music with nas 212j++USB + md30 + av am
any setting I missed?
can any Ching help me with the setting?
thx all in advance MD10 係認唔到 212J 個 USB. 回復 7# hklin
謝師兄回復,但我的dac 係md 30,是不是會認唔到呢?但我在diskstation的USB 裝置又見到個md30喎!頭痕中!請問有冇高手可以幫幫小弟呢?
Synology DS212j + musiland MD10
MD10 都係咁,我 NAS 啲歌係 44K Wav, 但MD10 detect 到啲歌係48K, 出唔到聲。之前 Synology 108J 用 DSM 3.2 冇問題,上4.0後就唔得。- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用 回復 9# hklin