Apple TV 3 數問
我唔係咁跟 Apple 野, 想請教有跟開 Apple 野的師兄們:1. Apple TV 3 可唔可以出 optical 去 DAC 播到如 FLAC/AIFF/WAV 的 lossless file?
2. 如果(1)可以, 佢可唔可以出到 192kbps lossless file?
3. 要唔要用乜軟件駁? 如, 要唔要 mac 機開住 itunes? 定係獨立用便可?
4. 個 source 除左from iPad / iPhone 之外, 可否從 NAS (Windows file sharing / DLNA)?
5. Remote 用跟機 remote 同 ipad, iphone 都可以吧? 我唔係咁跟 Apple 野, 想請教有跟開 Apple 野的師兄們:
1. Apple TV 3 可唔可以出 optical 去 DAC 播到如 F ...
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-6-28 10:09
只能夠用Air Play 或者iCloud Match (要付費) 來播,唔知咁答唔答到你? 只能夠用Air Play 或者iCloud Match (要付費) 來播,唔知咁答唔答到你?
nicknick 發表於 2012-6-28 10:29
咁好似好局限喎. it can be JB and becomes more flexible. But I don't have too much information to share as I never think about using this to replace my popcorn or NAS+SB Touch. 1. 係可以, apple tv裡面放唔到歌, 佢要airplay你部有itune既電腦/iphone/ipad裡面既歌去播.
2. 答唔到, 因為我無試
3. 1答咗你
4. 基本上只要有itune有開home sharing, 就可以airplay, 如果nas有itune server應該得
5. iphone/ipad可以control到, 個remote我基本上買咁耐都無乜用過...
{:9_421:} 咁好似好局限喎.
kenneth_obee 發表於 2012-6-28 10:48
仲有一樣嘢, 唔好諗住用apple tv嚟播歌會好好聲(如果以你平時聽歌standard去計), apple tv係為方便, 質素就真係ok咁啦...{:9_423:} 咁我唔買住啦 Apple TV Gen3美國一出我已經買左。
詳細D講,Apple TV播歌要經AirPlay或iCloud Match;
如果俾錢用iCloud Match (要付費) 來播,你在iTune的所有歌會抄晒去iCloud,格式強制為256K bps AAC壓縮,你的AppleTV再經個iCloud來streaming播歌,官方講規格為256K bps AAC,但呢樣我冇試過,因為我唔想俾錢買呢個無謂的服務。
播movie話可以bypass個Dobly Digital 5.1去av amp,但我用自己的片試極都試唔到,因為movie經iTune去AppleTV要 Mountain Lion版本至得,未出,我又唔肯俾錢買iTune Store的movie來試,用現時的3rd party軟件Parrot有人話出到5.1但我都係試極都試唔到。 APPLE TV3 JB 好似仲係遙遙無期
it can be JB and becomes more flexible. But I don't have too much information to share as I never th ...
billy997 發表於 2012-6-28 10:50 APPLE TV3 JB 好似仲係遙遙無期
kc2wong 發表於 2012-6-28 20:06