請問你對Proac是什麼型號?幾錢呢?如果用埋比AV會否唔適合呢?唔該晒。 裝修好正,AV喇叭全部In-wall,唔見隻十仔? proac D 2人聲.弦樂勁靚.又爆得{:6_193:} 間屋裝修好正{:6_193:}
屋主好{:6_149:} 有咁好嘅環境,命都長幾年。 對入牆前置喇叭咪無用無之地? 唱盤係Project 5.1? what is the brand of your in-wall speakers ? 回復138william
請問你對Proac是什麼型號?幾錢呢?如果用埋比AV會否唔適合呢?唔該晒。 ...
tennishk 發表於 2012-7-24 07:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
人地個紙箱咪有型號囉D TWO 呀
If going under this path, you will soon find the beautiful setup will not meetthe 2 channels setup. Like your 地櫃 which is not enough to host your CDP, DAC, PRE/power combo etc.- 發送自我的 iPhone 大板凳應用