vchai 發表於 2009-5-3 21:43


Anyone can help, I can't attached pictures here, the error message as above had shown, although my pictures size are all around 150k each, what's wrong?{:1_260:}

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-3 22:17


vchai 發表於 2009-5-3 22:25

it's jpg file.

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-3 22:52

it's jpg file.
vchai 發表於 3-5-2009 22:25咁又奇怪喎,size又、格式又,

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-3 23:17

it's jpg file.
vchai 發表於 3-5-2009 22:25按此加入圖片

vchai 發表於 2009-5-3 23:32

I did what you said, but it failed as my subject.

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-3 23:50

I did what you said, but it failed as my subject.
vchai 發表於 3-5-2009 23:32抱歉幫你唔到,要請教小瑟兄。{:6_123:}

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-3 23:53

請留意, 本版只供各會員發放照片, 請勿開查詢新貼, 如有發現, 一律刪貼!!!

vchai 發表於 2009-5-4 07:42

I'm sorry, I didn't know that, I just wanted to post some photos of my poor equipments, anyway thanks aegysd hing. {:1_258:}

小瑟 發表於 2009-5-4 08:09

vchai兄, 你試下改一改 d file名, 如果都係唔得, 你試下係測試版 post又睇下得唔得, 都係唔得就 send d file去我 email可以嗎???
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查看完整版本: 無效的圖片文件

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