cambridge audio 840A vs Naim Nait 5i
hello chings,want to update my system,
i like to listen jazz music and pop music.
seeing all the reviews online and find these 2 integrated amp, can any ching can give me some suggestion?
many thanks. Ching, for your reference: 回復 1# superwill58
ca會爽d, 聽呢種既歌會好d, 不過都比較薄聲.
師兄可以考慮下onix, 有力得黎會厚聲d. 回復 3# ropresident
for onix, any model to recommend? 80w to 120w would be very nice, thanks 回復 4# superwill58
無記錯model既話, 好似係叫ra-125. 回復 1# superwill58
For your reference
CA d 聲低係咪你喜歡先? CA 可能配膽機 CDP 好 d! 回復 1# superwill58
Nait 5i cant be upgraded. 回復 1# superwill58
我地呢D明教教徒...一定推介5i啦!{:6_142:} hello chings,
want to update my system,
i like to listen jazz music and pop music.
seeing all the r ...
superwill58 發表於 2012-6-18 15:10
840薄聲,no way, 建議整部2手5i仲好! 呢啲個人喜好嘅事情,都係親身去dealer喥聽吓啦。相信自己的耳朵!{:8_390:}