alzard 發表於 2009-5-7 23:17

但現在我有兩個 windows 可以係開機前揀 XP or VISTA,
如果安 Windows 7 終極測試版要 Cover 曬其它兩個先裝得,
到期又要從新裝回 Windows ... 咁都係唔好試玩住! ...
wil-wil 發表於 2009-5-7 23:13


ikkjr 發表於 2009-5-7 23:28

但現在我有兩個 windows 可以係開機前揀 XP or VISTA,
如果安 Windows 7 終極測試版要 Cover 曬其它兩個先裝得,
到期又要從新裝回 Windows ... 咁都係唔好試玩住! ...
wil-wil 發表於 2009-5-7 23:13
will will Hing,
The latest Windows 7 RC is just out & has an XP mode built-in.
Since it is only a beta version, I also suggest you to install it in a new harddisk,
the harddisk is very cheap nowadays.

wil-wil 發表於 2009-5-7 23:35

Thanks for your (alzard/ikkjr) information ...

我都有幾過唔用既 Portable HDD,可唔可以 boot from usb 黎玩?
或者一定要將個 HDD 裝入部腦到?

alzard 發表於 2009-5-7 23:39

Thanks for your (alzard/ikkjr) information ...

我都有幾過唔用既 Portable HDD,可唔可以 boot from usb 黎玩?
或者一定要將個 HDD 裝入部腦到?
wil-wil 發表於 2009-5-7 23:35


ikkjr 發表於 2009-5-7 23:41

本帖最後由 ikkjr 於 2009-5-7 23:43 編輯

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC onto a new SATA hdd,
I think even you can install it to the USB hdd & boot up,
the performance will be bad as the OS alone is > 12GB!

Sorry for typing in English as my Chinese writing pen can not
function under Windows 7.
Yes. I'm now surfing the forum using Windows 7{:1_263:}

wil-wil 發表於 2009-5-7 23:54

Thanks for your information!
Windows 7 好用嗎?

alzard 發表於 2009-5-7 23:39

I've just installed the Windows 7 RC onto a new SATA hdd,
I think even you can install it to the USB hdd & boot up,
the performance will be bad as the OS alone is > 12GB!

Sorry for typing in English...
ikkjr 發表於 2009-5-7 23:41

ikkjr 發表於 2009-5-8 01:20

After several hours of trying, my initial feeling is that the Win7 is more responsive than Vista and the XP Mode is great!

Sometimes I need to use certain legacy tools that run only under XP,
those tools can never be run under Vista and give me a lot of trouble.

Visual Studio 6 failed to run under Vista but it run flawlessly in Win 7 using XPM.

ikkjr 發表於 2009-5-8 09:59

只可以玩到 2010年6月1日 到時又要再裝!!! 都係廢事煩~~~
小瑟 發表於 2009-5-4 09:28

其實只可以玩到 2010年2月.

Quoted from Microsoft:
IMPORTANT:The RC will expire on June 1, 2010. Starting on March 1, 2010, your PC will begin shutting down every two hours. Windows will notify you two weeks before the bi-hourly shutdowns start. To avoid interruption, you'll need to rebuild your test machine using a valid version of Windows before the software expires. You'll need to rebuild your test PC to replace the OS and reinstall all your programs and data. (To learn more, see Frequently asked questions.)

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-8 10:27


alzard 發表於 2009-5-8 13:23

aegysd 發表於 2009-5-8 10:27

玩下就用VPC﹐唔駛煩。 {:1_263:}
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