(轉載) iPhone 5價單外洩
iPhone 5
64g $6688
32g $5688
16g $5088
iPhone 4s
8g $4288
iPhone 4
8g $2888
iPhone 3GS (iPhone Classic)
8g $1988 本帖最後由 kv10 於 2012-6-14 10:17 編輯
回復 1# Netmans
唔係應該係 $0 機價咩??! {:6_174:} 係唔係都要上台, 再 trade in 部舊 i4s 話唔咪仲平. 不嬲都係 $5088 ..... 最緊要 果樣要靚仔 ! {:6_175:} oh....thank you c hing...
by the way....it is not cheap 不嬲都係 $5088 ..... 最緊要 果樣要靚仔 !
大玩偶 發表於 2012-6-16 10:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我都認同... 唔靚仔... 價錢幾好都無用... Very good news no surprise ge~~
since the production cost isn't that expensive anyway
only around 1.5k for 4s