r2d2cool 發表於 2012-6-12 22:42

90呎用座地會否太大,我會用書架. TAD2201, 3/5A etc.

chufelix 發表於 2012-6-12 23:51



dimsim 發表於 2012-6-13 11:59

回復 12# chufelix


Do u think Elac is good for classical?
i'm now using Audiolab 8200CDQ+P and KEF300.
i've been thinking of elac 244be or kef ls50.

many thx,

chufelix 發表於 2012-6-13 12:50

回復 13# dimsim

    I tried LS50 in their showroom, impression was good. I think that sound better than the more expensive R300.
Very transparent and clean.
But that wasn't tried using Audiolab....so I don't know whether it matches with Audiolab and how will it sound.
(for the record, they used that bloody expensive MF to push it....)

Have not tried ELAC. If you try it, you let me know^0^

dimsim 發表於 2012-6-13 13:24

回復 14# chufelix

    thank you c hing.

dimsim 發表於 2012-6-13 21:27

Just bought LS50 today.
Sound stage is bigger and more accurate than Q300, the improvement in mid band is obvious.
Hope they'll be even better after breaking in.

chufelix 發表於 2012-6-13 23:46

回復 16# dimsim

what amp are you using? still the same Audiolab?
let me know how they match together

interhuman 發表於 2012-6-14 02:11

回復 16# dimsim


SkyGeo 發表於 2012-6-14 09:18

整編開箱文比我地大定見識下 x 2

dimsim 發表於 2012-6-14 09:54

回復 17# chufelix

Same Audiolab 8200CDQ+P.
As a beginner, I don't know if they match or not. cos I do not have much experience of other speakers.
I can only tell the difference btw LS50 and Q300.
The image is more accurate, better soundstage and sound smoother.
Due to my limited experience, they sound fine to me.
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