billymud 發表於 2012-6-14 06:22

回復 20# Alman
Nichicon 160uf 400v is just next to ur door ! {:1_262:}

billymud 發表於 2012-6-14 07:29

回復 14# Alman
is this ur cec transport ?

u should switch from dutch to japanese. {:1_253:}

Alman 發表於 2012-6-14 10:26

回復 22# billymud

I`ve visited this website before but was looking for RCA plugs at that time. So, I could replace those caps on my dvd by the same new ones(nichicon) ? That would be great.

Yes, the laser head system seems to be the same as mine.I`ll open the cec and check the belts.Thanks{:1_249:}

billymud 發表於 2012-6-14 13:25

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2012-6-14 13:48 編輯

回復 23# Alman
呢個160uf,400v nichicon 可替換你宜家粒rubycon嘅,低頻應該會紮實D 卦。您試音結果、共享,期待!
架菲記適可而止,慳番D銀両救CEC好過喇 ,u may hv to buy whole set of replacement belt。{:1_260:}
任得CEC 嘅Philips CD_Pro 坐冷板,比隻年邁散仔光頭玩曬,唔惆悵咩?

billymud 發表於 2012-6-14 14:47

回復 20# Alman
順便問問,揭開您架mod左多年嘅5100, 睇睇laser head 有冇咩住粒LED? if existed, 咩色?

Alman 發表於 2012-6-14 18:39

回復 25# billymud

You're right. Actually, I don't expect to spend a lot on the old dvd player. On the other hand, I'm looking for a new cd transport, likeCyrus, in case the cec is unable to serve me anymore. {:1_247:}

I'll open the cec and let you know.

billymud 發表於 2012-6-15 04:12

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2012-6-15 04:29 編輯

回復 26# Alman
Cyrus 咪又係 phil 記驅動,花幾十花旗紙救左sec先至諗啦。換完belts 醒番,再摩下DAC 加瞻輸出(您咪話過亞詩音象較暗嗎?),咪仲多嘢玩、啱曬您DIY意願?。。。呵呵,講到好似氹您下海咁。。
講開又講,有番咁上下年資嘅transport, 若日做夜做,隻主軸摩打都可能想退休了!宜善待之。{:1_253:}

Alman 發表於 2012-6-15 07:32

Just like a trrrap!{:1_255:}

billymud 發表於 2012-6-15 10:46

Just like a trrrap!
Alman 發表於 2012-6-15 07:32
trrrrap ?!.....{:1_262:}
u may like to play with the LED-mod to ur working's a fairy tale in the 90'.those were the days !{:1_263:}

Alman 發表於 2012-6-15 12:16

本帖最後由 Alman 於 2012-6-15 21:31 編輯

Finally, I've decided to look at what is happening in the cec:

The belt was loose, not sitting properly.

Doing some clean up, trying to put back the belt but it soon failed after some spinning. Oh well, not a big deal, I picked up a similar size of rubber band to replace the original tiny one. It works so well. . .

The cec has come back to serve me again!
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查看完整版本: 改造Philips 老年 dvd - 取代 cec 5100 transport

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