[更新] 如何投訴香港 d 戲院唔播 2D 版戲!
本帖最後由 kv10 於 2012-5-31 17:34 編輯例如, MIB 3 北美係有 2d 版! 叫人點去睇戲!? {:6_132:} {:6_133:} {:6_153:}
岩岩起 The Grand (九龍站) 普羅米修斯有 2D 播! 但 MIB 始終都係無!!
以下係起北美某戲院播 MIB 3 2D
{:8_402:}為有等出2D碟囉 回復 2# 落雨路
等唔係問題, 只係唔公平. 想去戲院睇變唔得! 起戲院睇 3d 好慍笨! 回復 3# kv10
Totally agreed, I find that the only thing 3D about the current technology in theaters are the subtitles, we are paying for sub-par 3D effects. 我就係受害者,咁耐睇過一套3d戲........ 所以大家知唔知邊到有得投訴? 咪鬼去睇, 等出碟{:6_136:} 回復 7# lamborghini436
唔係等唔等問題, 係想睇但又無得睇, 佢明明係有 2D 版, 做咩 Q 唔播. 下下等, 又要半年後先有港版中字. 回復lamborghini436
唔係等唔等問題, 係想睇但又無得睇, 佢明明係有 2D 版, 做咩 Q 唔播. 下下等, 又要 ...
kv10 發表於 2012-5-31 17:19 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
其實應該俾人有選擇先得.......有d人對3d真係好反感..... 回復 8# kv10
Because they can charge $$ for 3D versions