2 Channels Speakers Choice...
I am using Marantz AV7005 + MM7055 w/ Energy Encore 5.1 now.And I am thinking to upgrade to 7.1.
There're 3 options:
2, Genelec 8030a
3, INT AMP (Buget is under 10K)+ Triangle Trio
Which choice would be better?
Listensing Area about 3.5M * 3.5M
50% for music and 50% for AV
Never using active speakers before...
By the way, any INT AMP wull be recommended? I am using Marantz AV7005 + MM7055 w/ Energy Encore 5.1 now.
And I am thinking to upgrade to 7.1.
Th ...
haha121 發表於 2012-5-29 12:41 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Ching,7005本身都已經係7.1声道。 回復 2# SkyGeo
Yes, but the MM7705 is a 5-CH power amp only... So thinking to get a Int Amp for listening music and Front CH, or get 2 Active Speakers for such purpose... {:1_259:} 回復SkyGeo
Yes, but the MM7705 is a 5-CH power amp only... So thinking to get a Int Amp for ...
haha121 發表於 2012-5-29 22:10 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
我覺得你套 AV Amp 巳經好鬼勁,加對 active speakers 我感覺好似九唔搭八。
仲有 under 10k 嘅 2 channel integrated amp 未必好過用你套AV amp 組合。Marantz 純聽歌已經好好。
反而ching 可以考慮下玩膽機,将來換下膽。
呢度好多師兄可以渡你成蛋仙。 回復 1# haha121
ching 如果想買 Trio, 不如一齊試 Triangle 的 Comete (30 週年)。睇下邊隻好聲d。 本帖最後由 haha121 於 2012-5-30 13:59 編輯
回復 4# SkyGeo
咁如果用膽合併or後級嚟玩AV會唔會唔掂呢?{:1_342:} 本帖最後由 SkyGeo 於 2012-5-30 17:14 編輯
回復 6# haha121
or CDP 接到AV Amp, pre-out 到蛋機。
or 你部AV Amp 應該有 A/B Speakers. 單買一對聽歌的喇叭,接到 set B speakers. 你部 Amp 應該夠力推,唔洗再買 Amp。Under 10K 嘅石integrated amp,唔會好過你現在的馬仔。除非上到20-30K,才可能略有明顯分別。
清其他 ching 高見{:8_390:} 回復 6# haha121
ching, if you want to buy an integrated amp. You may find it interesting to test thie new amp from Creek.
http://www.hifichoice.co.uk/news/article.asp?a=8873 回復 8# SkyGeo
Thank you師兄, Creek同Roksan都係Target... Any comments? 回復SkyGeo
Thank you師兄, Creek同Roksan都係Target... Any comments?
haha121 發表於 2012-5-31 10:21 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ANWKLO ching 好熟 Roksan, 佢係Roksan 嘅代言人,{:9_430:} 請教下佢la!